Complaints & Warranty

At Gentlebrands we are only satisfied when you are satisfied too. Every day we do everything we can to keep our customers satisfied. In the unlikely event that you are not satisfied with something, you can submit a complaint to us. This can be done by e-mail, by telephone or by post using the contact details below. If you submit a complaint by e-mail, you will not receive a confirmation of receipt. Of course it is also possible to submit a complaint in our store.

West Street 69
1601 AC Enkhuizen
The Netherlands

Phone: 0228-313686

After you have submitted a complaint to us, we will assess it. We then try to find a suitable solution together with you. We will respond substantively to your complaint within 7 days.


In the event of a complaint, we always look at the legal guarantee that applies to the complaint you have submitted. This means that the article must do what you can reasonably expect from the article. In addition, you are only entitled to a warranty in case of a well-founded complaint. The complaint is valid if it is not caused by:

  • Damage caused by intent or negligence
  • Improper use or negligent maintenance
  • Normal wear and tear
  • Damage due to non-compliance or incorrect observance of the operating instructions

If your complaint is justified, we will reimburse all costs within the warranty period. In addition to the (manufacturer's) guarantees, the rights you have as a consumer based on the law apply without prejudice. You can also contact us with a well-founded complaint after the (factory) warranty period has expired. You and we also expect an item to still be good after a certain period of time and under normal use/maintenance. If this is not the case, please contact us. Together we will try to find a suitable solution.